Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Real Champs

Hammerkat DC Pierson wrote a great entry on his blog, Ham Fisted Theatrics, about his experience at the UMass Comedy Jam this past weekend, complete with photos from my Flickr photoset. He goes out of his way to praise our hard work, no matter how unprofessional the festival may have appeared to some. DC even calls me a "champ," but he and his fellow Hammerkatz were the real champs here. When a circuit blew, as DC documents in his writeup, the unphased NYU sketch troupe rewrote nearly their entire 30-minute tech-heavy set to accomodate the poor facilities. The audience, approximately 200 people at the time of their performance, was not aware of this, and gave them a standing ovation anyway -- a real testament to their profesionalism and adaptability. Thanks for being champs, DC, and all the other fantastic Hammerkatz, too.

Amy Koske loves New York City boys.


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